
WordDoctors is an ongoing attempt to provide bibliography for the study of ancient medicine. It is our hope that this site will prove useful to specialists and non-specialists alike by creating a solid starting point for any medical-related research endeavor.

“Texts and Translations” is a constantly updated list of texts, translations, commentaries, and textual research for Greek and Latin medical (and “para-medical”) texts.

“Thematic Bibliography” is a list of bibliography broken into various topics in the field of ancient medicine, with a special interest in topics that are unfriendly to basic searches on Google or L’Année philologique.

“Research Guides” are designed to provide details on reference works and researching tips for important aspects of ancient medical history.

For questions, comments, corrections, and suggestions (bibliographical or otherwise), please use the contact page. This site is personally maintained by Brent Arehart. Quotations of ancient literature should NOT be construed in any way as endorsement of the ideas contained therein.